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Blend in, then stand out

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In today’s crowded marketplace, businesses constantly hear the mantra: “stand out to succeed.” And I get it. Having a unique point of differentiation can indeed be the difference between thriving and simply surviving. But like any well-worn phrase, the advice isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Let’s break it down…

Understanding the Balance

Imagine you’re the owner of an estate agency that specialises in premium properties over £2.5 million. Your target audience expects a level of sophistication and polish that aligns with their lifestyle. If your brand looks cheap or casual, you will stand out, but for all the wrong reasons. It’s like attending a black-tie event in shorts and a T-shirt – yes, you’ll get noticed, but not in a good way.

Instead, your brand must reflect the high-end nature of your services, mirroring the refined tastes and expectations of your clientele. This doesn’t mean you have to be indistinguishable from your competitors, but blending in ensures your audience feels like they’re in the right place before you reveal what makes you unique.

Meet Expectations, Then Exceed Them

Standing out isn’t just about radical differentiation; it’s about thoughtful distinction. Before your business can start impressing customers with its unique flair, it first needs to assure them that it’s aligned with their preferences and values. Meet the target audience’s expectations first, then hit them with your point of difference.

For example:

Tone of Voice: If your target market expects professionalism and sophistication, your tone must convey that. Once you’ve established that baseline, inject a distinctive twist – perhaps wit, warmth, or bold opinions – that sets you apart.

Sub-Products: Offer sub-products that cater to niche needs within your audience, subtly distinguishing your offerings without veering too far from the core expectations.

Key Person of Influence’s Personal Brand: Leverage the personal brand of your key people to resonate with your audience. If your lead agent is known for their expertise in high-end properties, highlight their achievements and authoritative insights, giving the business a credible and distinguished face.

Finding what makes you different

Blending in first allows you to set the stage for your business’s point of difference to shine. Once you’ve met the expectations of your audience, you can then focus on exceeding them.

1. Be Selective with Innovation
Not every business needs a groundbreaking identity. Innovation should be meaningful and targeted. Perhaps your estate agency offers unparalleled virtual tours of properties, providing a comprehensive feel that saves clients time and effort.

2. Subtle Uniqueness
Standing out doesn’t mean being brash. Sometimes, it’s the subtleties that count. Maybe your agency employs an in-house art historian to provide insights into the architectural heritage of properties, offering something unique yet relevant.

3. Personalisation Matters:
Customise your approach to resonate with each client. An ultra-luxury estate agency might send tailored market insights to potential clients, addressing them by name and referencing specific preferences or interests they’ve mentioned.

Key takeaway

The key takeaway is to blend in first by meeting the expectations of your audience. Once that’s sorted, your unique differentiators will then be able to properly stand out, impressing your audience with thoughtful and relevant innovation.

So, blend in, then stand out – in that order – and your business will be primed to capture and convert your ideal market.