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Position and Prevail: Gain an edge with smart positioning

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In his book 24 Assets, Daniel Priestley emphasises the importance of designing a strategy for growth instead of relying on wishful thinking. He argues that successful businesses aren’t built by crossing their fingers and hoping for the best; they’re built through strategic design and a clear vision.

Brand positioning plays a pivotal role in this strategy. It’s about deliberately crafting your brand’s perception to ensure you’re seen as the best choice for your ideal customers.

Many businesses fall into the trap of repeating familiar but unproductive habits, relying on word-of-mouth or referrals to expand. While this approach can work, it takes a lot of time and effort. Priestley introduces the concept of “value creation,” which involves developing assets that enable exponential growth. One of these critical assets is brand positioning.

Why positioning matters

Clearly distinguishes you from your competitors, showcasing why your business is the best choice.

Customer Attraction
Attracts the right customers by aligning your messaging with their needs and desires.

Pricing Power
Enables you to charge premium prices by building a strong perceived value.

Trust Building
Creates consistency in messaging, helping build trust and loyalty among customers.

If you’re aiming to scale your business from beyond £2.5m, your current marketing and sales strategies likely won’t be enough. Bring in a dedicated agency that can help you create new opportunities - and all roads lead to how you’re positioned.

Introducing the Brand Benchmark

Unlike most forms of marketing, the value of a brand is hard to quantify, which is why we created Brand Insights. The Brand Benchmark provides a comprehensive view of your brand’s perception and offers actionable recommendations for improvement.

How does it work?

1. Identify Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs): We identify 5 of your ideal customers and present your brand to them.

2. Ask Insightful Questions: These ICPs are asked a series of questions to reveal their perception of your brand.

3. Benchmark Against Competitors: We also ask the same questions about your 3 closest competitors to see where your brand stands.

What’s the outcome?

You’ll receive a Brand Benchmark Report – a bespoke document that provides a clear understanding of how your brand is perceived and offers expert recommendations from branding expert Louis on how to make necessary changes.

What do we need from you?

Just two things:
1. Who’s your ideal customer?
2. Who’s the market leader(s) in your space?

How do I get started?

Drop your details below and one of our team will be in touch!

We created the brand Benchmark to help businesses understand how they stack up against their competitors in the eyes of their customers. It’s a powerful tool to determine whether your current positioning reflects where you are and where you want to be.
