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5 ways SaaS businesses can remove jargon from their messaging

A team in a board meeting with their laptops, with two employees shaking hands

Hyper-intelligent automated blockchain neural networked algorithms bla bla bla… It’s time to simplify your brand messaging. Here’s how…

1. Simplify Technical Terms

Identify any technical terms or jargon used in your brand messaging and find simpler alternatives that are easier for your target audience to understand. Use language that is familiar and relatable to them.

2. Focus on the benefits

Instead of highlighting technical features, focus on the benefits and outcomes that your SaaS product provides. Clearly articulate how your product solves specific problems or improves the lives of your customers.

3. Use Customer-Focused Language

Frame your brand messaging in terms of your customers’ needs and aspirations. Use language that resonates with them and clearly communicates how your product addresses their pain points and goals.

4. Provide Real-World Examples

Use real-world examples and case studies to demonstrate how your product is used and the positive impact it has on businesses or individuals. Concrete examples make your brand messaging more tangible and relatable.

5. Provide Real-World Examples

Continuously iterate and refine your brand messaging based on customer feedback and market insights. Test different versions of your messaging to ensure it resonates with your target audience and effectively conveys your value proposition. You can tweak it slightly depending on who you’re talking to, too!